Thursday, July 10, 2014

Aeronautical engineering was the original term for the field. As flight technology advanced to include craft operating in outer space, the broader term "aerospace engineering" has largely replaced it in common usage. Aerospace engineering, particularly the astronautics branch, is often referred to colloquially as "rocket science", such as in popular culture.

Taught Courses

  • Fluid mechanics – the study of fluid flow around objects. Specifically aerodynamics concerning the flow of air over bodies such as wings or through objects such as wind tunnels (see also lift and aeronautics).
  • Astrodynamics – the study of orbital mechanics including prediction of orbital elements when given a select few variables. While few schools in the United States teach this at the undergraduate level, several have graduate programs covering this topic (usually in conjunction with the Physics department of said college or university).
  • Statics and Dynamics (engineering mechanics) – the study of movement, forces, moments in mechanical systems.
  • Mathematics – in particular, calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra.
  • Propulsion – the energy to move a vehicle through the air (or in outer space) is provided by internal combustion engines, jet engines and turbomachinery, orrockets (see also propeller and spacecraft propulsion). A more recent addition to this module is electric propulsion and ion propulsion.
  • Control engineering – the study of mathematical modeling of the dynamic behavior of systems and designing them, usually using feedback signals, so that their dynamic behavior is desirable (stable, without large excursions, with minimum error). This applies to the dynamic behavior of aircraft, spacecraft, propulsion systems, and subsystems that exist on aerospace vehicles.
  • Aircraft structures – design of the physical configuration of the craft to withstand the forces encountered during flight. Aerospace engineering aims to keep structures lightweight.
  • Avionics – the design and programming of computer systems on board an aircraft or spacecraft and the simulation of systems.
  • Software – the specification, design, development, test, and implementation of computer software for aerospace applications, including flight software, ground control software, test & evaluation software, etc.
  • Risk and reliability – the study of risk and reliability assessment techniques and the mathematics involved in the quantitative methods.
  • Noise control – the study of the mechanics of sound transfer.
  • Flight test – designing and executing flight test programs in order to gather and analyze performance and handling qualities data in order to determine if an aircraft meets its design and performance goals and certification requirements.
Aerospace engineering may be studied at the advanced diplomabachelor'smaster's, and Ph.D. levels in aerospace engineering departments at many universities, and in mechanical engineering departments at others. A few departments offer degrees in space-focused astronautical engineering. Some institutions differentiate between aeronautical and astronautical engineering.


Typical work activities

  • Applying the principles of science and technology to create aircraft, components and support equipment;
  • Researching and developing design specifications;
  • Undertaking systematic manufacturing, involving the assembly and modification of components;
  • Supervising the assembly of airframes and the installation of engines, instruments and other equipment;
  • Participating in flight test programmes to measure take-off distances, rate of climb, stall speeds, manoeuvrability and landing capacities;
  • Resolving issues that arise during the design, development and testing processes;
  • Maintaining aircraft for full operation including making regular inspections, maintenance and servicing;
  • Measuring and improving the performance of aircraft, components and systems;
  • Modifying designs to improve safety features or minimise fuel consumption and pollution;
  • Developing repair procedures as well as working out and managing schedules for repair and maintenance;
  • Investigating aircraft accidents;
  • Collating information, interpreting data and publishing the results of specific projects in technical report form;
  • Using computer-aided design (CAD) software to create designs and plans;
  • Storing paperwork for approved data (drawings, technical instructions, assessments and calculations);
  • Working with teams, suppliers, clients and managers to agree budgets, timescales and specifications;
  • Project managing, including scheduling resources and staff and managing budgets;
  • Communicating technical and regulatory advice to clients, teams, suppliers and other professionals within the aerospace industry and presenting data to groups and individuals.

Job Description

An aeronautical, or aerospace, engineer applies scientific and technological principles to research, design, develop, maintain and test the performance of:
  • Civil and military aircraft;
  • Missiles;
  • Weapons systems;
  • Satellites;
  • Space vehicles.
They also work on the different components that make up these aircraft and systems.
The role is focused on improving flight safety, fuel efficiency, speed and weight, as well as reducing system costs and using advancing technologies to meet customer needs. Increasingly, the role addresses the environmental impact of air travel.
You can specialise in a particular area such as propulsion, avionics, systems integration, aerodynamics or materials and structures. The aerospace industry is well established in the USA with jobs available in US-owned and international aerospace companies.

Salary and conditions

  • Starting salaries for aeronautical engineers range from $34,232   to 
  • $47924
  • Aeronautical engineers with significant experience typically earn $47924 to $77,022.
  • At senior levels salaries of £77,022 to $111,252+ can be reached.
  • Higher starting salaries may be offered to those with Masters or research qualifications. Larger, more renowned employers may offer higher salaries.
  • Working hours are mainly 9am to 5pm, but extra hours may be required to complete projects to deadlines. You may need to work on an 'on-call' consultation basis dealing with such issues as a change in the priority of repairs or in case of an emergency investigation.
  • Work is undertaken in offices, factory production hangars or aeronautical laboratories. You may have to travel to sites and other industrial companies in order to examine or test aircraft.
  • Design work in a laboratory will involve the use of sophisticated computer visualisation tools and software.
  • The work is often undertaken as part of a team with other colleagues and departments. There is a heavy reliance on research.
  • Self-employment opportunities are limited.
  • Working at the forefront of technology makes long career breaks difficult, as you need to keep up to date with industry developments.
  • Jobs are widely available in a number of locations in the US and abroad. 
  • The work of aeronautical engineers requires dedication and enthusiasm. It may vary in content from day to day and can be stressful when deadlines approach. The work must be precise, as the consequences of human error can be serious.
  • Travel within a working day and absence from home over night are sometimes necessary due to visits to aircraft workshops or hangars to inspect aircraft that require modifications or repairs. Overseas travel may be required to attend courses and conferences on aeronautical engineering. 

I hope your queries have been answered. If this post helped you in any way please share it with your friends and boosts their knowledge too. 

Sources: Wikipedia, Prospects


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